WOW – we have fun helping out at school’s World Of Work Day

Colleagues from the Churchill Group have supported one of our school clients with their virtual project – WOW Day.

Coincidentally, the school is called Churchill Academy and it is situated in the town of Churchill, in Somerset. After all, with names like that, how could we not offer our help?

WOW – World Of Work Day – was an event organised for its Year 10 pupils. The pandemic meant this year they were unable to attend the work experience placements that would usually be arranged for them.

But, as the school did not want students to miss out on the chance to meet employers, staff arranged the virtual day and asked us to be one of the companies taking part.

The youngsters were able to choose which sectors and activities interested them, find out more about the businesses involved, via Zoom or a pre-recorded presentation, and work on challenges set by the organisations, which gave them a flavour of what the work involved.

We ran two virtual live events. One was based around security, in which the students developed a White Paper giving information and proposals covering a number of security issues.

The other got the pupils designing and making a uniform for our new On Verve guest services – and they proved to be skilled with the sewing machines.

Cheryl-Anne Sanderson, our South West regional director, helped out on the day, along with Amulet managing director Darren Read and On Verve’s director of guest services Bianca Angelico.

Cheryl-Anne said: ‘It was a great day and all of us loved taking part. All the youngsters were very enthusiastic about it and it was great to see them so involved.’

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