Meet apprentice Daniel Furtado

Daniel Furtado is another of our colleagues we are shining the spotlight on in Learning At Work Week.

He is a cleaning supervisor at Asos GLH, in Mornington Crescent, London, and is working towards his Facilities Management Level 3 qualification – equivalent to two A-levels.

‘In the future I would like to become a site manager and the apprenticeship programme will enable me to be much more prepared for the role,’ he said.

‘As part of the course, I’m enjoying spending some time with my managers, learning more about the management role.

‘I was encouraged to begin the apprenticeship by my site manager and my regional manager and I’m learning a lot of new things that will be helpful in the future.

‘Sometimes it can feel a little bit overwhelming to reconcile both my regular work and the studying involved in the apprenticeship but, at the end of the day, it is nice to see the progress I am making and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to progress in their career.’

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