Churchill joins Tent Partnership for Refugees network

We are proud to announce that we have joined the Tent Partnership for Refugees (Tent) network. This is the latest commitment we have made to supporting refugees, as we recently partnered with the Refugee Employment Network.

Tent was founded in 2016 and mobilises the global business community to improve the lives and livelihoods of more than 36 million refugees who have been forcibly displaced from their home countries. There are more than 300 companies in the Tent network, including major international brands such as BP, Sysco and Workday.

As a member, Churchill has committed to directly hiring refugees as employees and providing training and mentorship for them. We will support refugees throughout the UK by offering a range of activities to help them integrate into the workforce, including providing language and professional skills training where required.

The aim is to remove the barriers that refugees may face in entering the FM industry. We can offer a diverse range of opportunities across all levels of our business, irrespective of a person’s previous experience. Many skills that may have been acquired in other industries and sectors are readily transferable to the FM sector.

Churchill’s group HR director Melanie Taylor said: ’We are passionate about supporting refugees into employment and the transition to life in the UK.

‘The Tent network will give us access to other companies, charities and NGOs that can share best practice and help us overcome some of the common barriers to supporting refugees.

‘The FM sector has so much to offer refugees and we’re determined to offer all the support we can.’

Gideon Maltz, the executive director at the Tent Partnership for Refugees, said: ’Businesses have a unique role. When they hire, train, and invest in refugee talent, they are helping refugees put down roots in their new communities, provide for their families and regain their dignity – at the same time, our workplaces and communities are stronger for it.’

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