Top tips on how to change careers in 2024

As we embark upon a new year, transitioning to a new career can be the perfect way to harness the energy of new beginnings. Facilities Management is an ideal sector for career changers, as it utilises a wide variety of transferable skills.

At Churchill, we value your experience and are passionate about welcoming career changers from diverse backgrounds – we proudly offer inclusive opportunities for people such as military veterans and over 50s. Wherever you may be in your career, we want to provide you with the opportunity and support to embark on a new challenge.

For those considering how to change careers, taking that first step can be the hardest. If you seek a new challenge, read on for career transition tips and simple steps to make 2024 unforgettable!

1. Assess your passions, skills and values

The first step in how to change careers is self-assessment. Consider the following:

  • What are you passionate about? What energises you and gets you excited?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? If you are unsure, ask friends or colleagues what they think.
  • What are your values? Aligning our career with what is truly important to us ensures that when you inevitably encounter a challenge, you will be motivated to carry on, as your “why” fuels you forward. If you get stuck, here is a list of values.

Consider taking a skills assessment online or reading a book to delve deeper into career change advice.

2. Research companies and network

Now you are clear where you’re headed, you can research relevant industries and companies. When planning how to change careers, consider how your values align with different companies – this will reward you in the long-term.

Another career transition tip is to tap into your existing professional network, attend industry-related events and use social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your target field.

Ask what recruiters are looking for and what makes people stand out from the crowd.

3. Identify any skills gaps and level up 

From your research on how to change careers, you may now be aware of any new skills or qualifications you may need to acquire. Look into whether there are opportunities in your current job, or you could even take up an evening class to demonstrate your dedication to your chosen industry.

For example, our colleague Mark Reay completed a CIPD qualification during his transition from the military, which could be utilised in many industries.

4. Develop your personal brand

Stand out from the crowd, and most importantly: be yourself. In our digital age, having a strong online presence can greatly enhance your job prospects – get posting on your personal LinkedIn with content that will resonate with your chosen industry or company.

When considering how to change careers, the ability to demonstrate your expertise and passion will make you highly attractive to potential employers.

5. Tailor your CV/cover letter and start applying

When applying for new roles, another career transition tip is to highlight how your previous roles have prepared you for your new career path – showcase your enthusiasm for the change by customising your CV and cover letters.

You’re all set! Remember your “why” if you feel discouraged, and keep persisting. A key career transition tip is to treat each interview as a learning experience and make sure to seek feedback for next time, if you aren’t successful.

Career changers at Churchill

Changing careers needs patience above all else. It might not happen immediately, but taking a chance can pay dividends for your life satisfaction, sense of purpose and wellbeing.

At Churchill, we are dedicated to supporting career changers with the skills, recognition and career change advice they need to transition to a new and fulfilling path. We empower our colleagues for a strong work/life balance.

We’re proud to have many ex-service personnel working in a variety of roles. Iain Chorlton is one of those to have transferred his skills to us, and is now a Specialist Services Director at Amulet, after spending nine years as a sergeant in the Royal Military Police.

Another is Davey Watson, who uses his planning, administrative and people, project, and operational management skills to make an impact in his career with us.

Get in touch

We hope with our tips on changing careers, you feel more equipped to take what could be the best decision you’ve ever made. By learning about your skills, passions and values, you can ensure you’re headed in the right direction as you research opportunities, network, level up your skills and build your personal brand. Tailoring your CV and cover letter will ensure you are headed for success as you embark upon your new career.

Churchill is a human, empowering and inclusive employer. Have a look at our exciting opportunities for career changers.

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