Fundraising trek for Alzheimer’s Society

This September, Churchill colleagues will come together to take part in the Trek26 Stonehenge challenge raising funds for Alzheimer’s Society.

Taking part are members of the Relationship team including Natasha Needham, Client Relationship Director who said that one of the reasons they decided to take part was because each of them have been touched by the effects of dementia in some way and so it felt like the obvious choice.

She said: “My Nan, who I was close with, went through this cruel disease and it was heart breaking to watch. I also have a friend who unfortunately went through this as well with their relative and so I wanted to show my support to not only my family but also theirs by raising funds to support.”

Gary Binder, National Relationship Director said: “As a team we decided we wanted to raise money for a charity together. We work closely together, albeit remotely, so this is a great opportunity for us to come together, have a good laugh while raising money for a great cause.”

The challenge will see them walk roughly 13 miles through the beautiful countryside surrounding Stonehenge, starting their journey in Wishford. Along the route they will stop for lunch and finally finish up near Old Sarum, an Iron Age hill fort.

The stones of Stonehenge were set up around 2500BC. Most people believe it was constructed as a prehistoric temple aligned with the movements of the Sun. At midsummer, the sun rises by the northwest Heel Stone (the largest stone) and at mid-winter the sun sets to the southwest in the gap between the two tallest ‘trilithon’ stones. Other theories suggest it was a coronation place for Danish Kings, a Druid temple, a place used to predict solar eclipses, for ancestor worship, or a centre for healing. Twenty different rock types have been identified at Stonehenge, suggesting they have come from a wide range of areas. Some have been matched up with rocks 240km away!

Also taking part is Kathryn Russell, Client Relationship Manager. When asked if she has ever done anything like this before she explained how she regularly gets out for walks. She said: “We walk a lot, as a Scout leader though I am usually checking and teaching navigation skills and ensuring we still have 30+ young people in tow, I am hoping this should be slightly less stressful.”

Gary has done a few similar fundraising challenges over the years, but it is a first for Natasha. “This is my first charity walk and what a great cause. I’m looking forward to enjoying the walk with the team.”

The team have already started their training in preparation for the big day. Natasha has been trying to get her steps in each day and is usually found in the gym four times a week to help her prepare. Gary starts most of his weekends out in the countryside walking his dog, Monty. He said: “As we get near the date, walks are getting longer, and longer which Monty is finding easier than me.”

Kathryn has increased her number of weekly walks and is getting more time in on the cross trainer. She said: “The mix of weather we are having is certainly keeping us all on our toes when it comes to some of the terrain. The weekend after the event I have 5 Scouts on a 15-mile expedition, I will be tracking them across the Derbyshire countryside, so this is also preparation for the that.”

The team would appreciate your help and support to get them to their fundraising target. You can sponsor them here.


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