Meet apprentice Morgan Clark

It’s National Apprenticeship Week and we are shining the spotlight on the apprentices throughout our business who are earning while they learn.

Morgan Clark is working for us at Meadowhall Shopping Centre, in Sheffield, while studying for his Level 3 electrical engineering apprenticeship – equivalent to two passes at A-level. The course combines remote and in-person college classes with the practical experience gained doing his job at the shopping centre.

And he says: ‘The technical knowledge I’m getting at college is helping me in my day-to-day work with Churchill and I am enjoying it very much.

‘I completed a Painting Level 2 apprenticeship programme first of all and then decided to change trades when the opportunity arose.

‘I’m planning to build on my trade skills after completing my apprenticeship and hopefully I will stay at Meadowhall.

’I would really recommend an apprenticeship to anyone, as I have found it a great way to learn new skills and gain practical experience at the same time.

‘The maintenance engineers at Meadowhall have been very helpful to me and I’m very grateful to them. They have spent a lot of time showing me how to do things and teaching me the things I need to know.’

John Lynch, Churchill’s human resources manager at Meadowhall, said: ‘Morgan is steadily gaining skills and knowledge and growing in confidence – he is a great addition to the team.’

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