Meet Mosaic Champion… Alison Butler

What is your role at Churchill and what does it involve day to day?

I’m the business support manager for Amulet, Churchill’s security division. In simplest terms, my role is to inform and to facilitate. I answer questions, provide information, signpost resources and help the team with everything from business processes to mobilisations, from financials to fleet. Quite literally, I’m here to help.

What made you decide to become a Mosaic champion?

Like many people, I was bullied at secondary school and it made me absolutely committed to being fair and treating people with respect and dignity.

I started working for Churchill in September 2014 and have never looked back.  I’ve been treated with respect and also recognised for contributions that I’ve made to the business.  Three years ago I had the opportunity to move from cleaning to security and have loved being a part Amulet’s growth. Being a Mosaic champion helps me to give something back as it’s a chance to be of support to others. It’s also a chance for me to continue to learn and grow as an individual.

Is there a particular area of diversity and inclusion you are interested in?

In the past I have suffered from anxiety and so am particularly interested in mental health and women’s issues, including menopause.

Why do you think diversity and inclusion is important in the workplace?

For me, hearing from wide variety of people and having different views represented adds to the strength and creativity of a team and helps to drive a business forward.  Everyone has their own skills and experiences to draw on and comes to Amulet with their own potential.  Valuing those differences is not only the fair thing to do, it helps to build a work culture in which both the individuals and the business thrive.

What would you like to see workplaces doing to improve D&I in the future?

I have a great deal of respect for our frontline security staff and am keen to find ways to reach out to them and include their voices in Churchill’s D&I journey.

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